Saturday, January 22, 2011

House of Straw

This is another post from the bike ride today. It comes from the Palo Alto Art Center. They are getting ready for a new exhibit for Patrick Dougherty. His work is pretty amazing. He takes normal brush sitting around and creates sculptures out of them. This one exhibit is only in place until the 28th of this month.

Pink Flowers

Found this amazing pink flowered tree while on a bike ride today. The flowers that are on the tree were HUGE and so many of them. The other interesting thing was how these flowers were blooming. Before they bloomed they have this fur material on them and then after all the petals fall off there is an odd spiky bulb in the middle.

The colors are just amazing!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Young Elephant Seal

On this years adventure to Ano Nuevo State Park we have run across yet another young Elephant seal. You might remember an earlier post of mine from our original visit Coffee Maker back from May of last year.

This young male elephant seal was near the end of our hike this time. As you can see he was saying goodbye.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New year everyone! After a couple of weeks away I have a great new batch of photos to share with everyone. Spent a great couple of weeks back in New York over the Holidays with Family and now I am back in California going on new explorations.

This shot comes from Pigeon Point Lighthouse just north of Santa Cruz. Could make a good postcard.