Monday, February 28, 2011

Remove the People

I really loved this photo of the now well know Filoli Mansion. However there was people in the shot. So I took them out. :)

Starts to make you think if all the pictures you see daily are truly the way they were when they were taken.

Enhanced Photo:
Original Photo:

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Standing Solo

As you can tell I am on a kick lately: taking a photo and making one object POP. With this photo, however, I see more than just the flower. The blurred gate in the foreground and the empty wall surrounding the flower give a sense of entrapment. The brown spots on the flower give the flower a sense of age, yet the leaves return it to its young and vibrant youth. Alright enough with the deep thoughts. Pretty freaking sweet photo if you ask me.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Here is another shot from Filoli. While walking through the garden this flower seemed to perfectly fall into the bird fountain.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rotten Apple

This one also comes from Filoli Gardens. There was a couple of Apple Trees in the back of the garden that looked barren from a distance. This one Apple tree only had this rotten apple left. I found it quite intriguing. I converted the picture to black and white and then only punched out the Apple.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Filoli in Winter

Went to Filoli today. the flowers that are currently blooming there are amazing. This shot was taken outside in the garden with the sun behind me. I love the way that the background is blurred in this one.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Venice Beach

This shot was taken from the Venice Beach Pier. Really was not expecting it to come out as nice as it did. It was more of a hold the camera up quick and snap a picture. The colors are amazing in it!