This old broken down factory is located on Angel Island in San Fran. In this day and age, Angel Island is a state park. Originally it was an army base and then it was "Ellis Island of the West". They still have the original Asian detainment building on the island, complete with Chinese poetry etched on the walls from immigrants who were detained on the island for up to two years.
This factory was located in an old Army base that is now decaying. I took this shot with my handheld Canon Powershot SD1400. Granted I was still on my bike, half twisted around when it was taken but hey, a little photoshop and BW can spruce anything up.
Also - the San Jose photography event was a blast. I ended up meeting a ton of new photographers in the area and was able to share some of my photos. Thank you to everyone who sent in favorites. I used them all! Of course fans know best, and everyone loved the ones you all chose.